August 17, 2011 JRating Preview Introduction of the Swing JRating component that can be used to visualize ratings.
August 16, 2011 Talk at CeBIT TV studio This summer I gave a talk at the CeBit TV studio. The talk was about software integration for small businesses.
August 4, 2011 Preview: Multitouch gestures in swing Apple added a listener based API for multitouch gestures to their eawt package. With this wrapper API you can easily integrate it in any app.
July 28, 2011 Fun with gestures Apple added a listener based API for multitouch gestures to their eawt package. So you can use pinching and rotation on a multitouch trackpad.
July 15, 2011 JGrid @ NetBeans Platform Certified Training Together with Geertjan Wielenga from Oracle I will introduce the jGrid-Component and its integration into a NetBeans Platform app